Birds of my park- I’ll never forget
by Aaryan Bhalla
Common Garden Birds of India
Here are birds around us everywhere, some living in parks and gardens near our homes, and some even sharing space with us in the heart of the city. It just takes a little curiosity to identify and know a little more about these direct decedents of the dinosaurs and develop a green hobby that can give you a lifetime of pleasure for free!
Birds of India helps you come to grips with our feathered neighbours with this two-part introduction to city-dwelling birds of India. Some of our birds are well adapted to life around human settlements and indeed many can be found only around habitations. Now will cover the birds that are most commonly seen and saw by me in my park opposite my house. Not all the species are common in all the cities and some do not even occur in some places. But based on feedback from over a hundred skilled birders from across the country, the list of the top 25should be fairly representative of what the city birder will get to see without a great effort.
The thought behind these pages is to familiarize beginners with the obvious — it will help them to know the birds a little better and, more importantly, interest and equip them to look for birds outside this list — birds that are scarce and worth observing when met because opportunities may be limited.Surrounded by the grey of the city and the rush of traffic, it might seem surprising that there is so much diversity in such proximity. But even the bleakest of cities has spots of green, thickets, grassy areas, and wetlands where an early morning or evening stroll can be rewarded with flashes of brilliant colour.
A word about the species covered. All these birds share one thing in common — they are very adaptive and can cope with varied climatic conditions, food sources, and nesting/roosting sites. Most are gregarious and mid-sized. Lastly, they are also very visible — part of the reason why they make the “Top Twenty-five” list and the reason why they make a good choice for new birders.Bird watching in India is one of the most pleasurable experiences, Apart from the bird parks and sanctuaries one can also spot a variety of birds around the city and villages. Into the forest area or around the beautiful villages of India one can also spot wild dove, Pied Kingfisher,Spotted Owlet, Saker falcon, and the Yellow-footed Green Pigeon. Some of the common city birds now also fall in the category of endangered species of birds due to loss of habitat and pollution.
All these birds were seen in the park opposite my house. This is one of my favourite parks I have seen ever. This is actually park No. 903 ( opposite my house ) of sector 9 Panchkula. I have seen a total of 4 nests in this park during the Coronavirus pandemic in lockdown and unlock days too. Playing with friends with joy and then fight for the turn is part of our journey too.
Playing hide and seek, cycling, ice, and water, pakdam pakdhai, unch neech ka papda, etc. are also played by us in this Park only. I will never forget this park. It is also known as Vita park. ( by us ) Due to a vita booth in this park. The main dido’s were-: scolded by Bhatt uncle & Umesh uncle ( park in charge ) after doing naughtiness to do cycling on the grass or to climb on Trees/Vita booths shed.
The winters have arrived and we have started playing Badminton and doing Cycling too.
Birds are fascinating creatures, and they grow even more so, the more you observe them. Growing up, I would spend hours watching birds, reading about them, and talking about them to anyone who cared enough to listen.
I have seen several birds here and many nests too. so, now Let’s have a look at the list of the names of birds seen by me in my park no. 903.
These are birds that typically can be seen daily on bird feeders or underneath eating on the ground. These species do not migrate and are observed throughout the year.
Common Garden Birds of India :
1. Common Myna (Mynaa)
Mynas are one of the most common garden birds of India, which are easy to identify because of their distinctive yellow patch around the eyes which extends to its beak. Common Myna is widely popular in Indian culture, appearing in Vedic and Buddhist texts; often paired with rose-ringed Parakeets (Tota), probably because both birds are vocal and are capable of mimicking human sound. This bird can produce 10 different sounds.
They are noticed to roam in the groups. There are many species of Starlings birds found in India some of them are easily spotted around the cities like common Myna, Brahminy Myna, Pied Myna, and Bank Myna.
Other names: Common Indian Myna/Mynah.
Scientific Name: Acridotheres Tristis
Distribution: widespread across South and South-east Asia.
Habitat: open woodland, cultivation, and human habitation.
Diet: these omnivorous birds feed on insects, reptiles, small mammals, seeds, grain and fruits, and discarded waste from human habitation.
Common Mynas mate for life and build their nests in tree hollows as well as the walls and ceilings of buildings, making these birds a nuisance to humans.
2. Common Tailorbird (Darzan)
This merrily chirping songbird is a common resident in urban gardens, which has been immortalized by Rudyard Kipling in his “Jungle Book”. Common Tailorbird gets its name for ‘sewing’ its nest- the edges of a large leaf are pierced and sewn together with plant fibre or spider silk to make a cradle in which the actual nest is a large single leaf.
The Common Tailorbird is a small warbler songbird, found across India and a common resident of urban gardens. The small bird with a long tail is often heard but very difficult to see, especially in a tree or garden.
Common Tailorbird as the name suggests has a very long tail and is mostly upright. These are very small-sized birds ranging from 10 to 15 cm and weigh from merely 10 to 15gm. These are very bright in color and have a very loud call hence considered a very good singing bird.
Scientific name: Orthotomus sutorius
Distribution: widespread across South and South-east Asia
Habitat: Deciduous forests, scrublands, mangroves, open woodlands, and gardens.
Diet: being insectivorous, it eats mainly insects found in flowers, which aids in the pollination of Mango flowers.
Nest of Common Tailorbird
These cute little birds are a delight to watch in the garden, hopping around for food with their usually erect tails. Tailorbirds are often sighted in pairs and are quick to fly away in short, darting flights.
Nest of Tailorbird seen by me on 3 July -
I have seen a nest during the lockdown of this bird, given 4 eggs but only 2 survived. my fourth nest in lockdown.the tailorbird’s nest is also very unique because it is made in leaves, which is also very tough. It is called Tailor Bird because it sews a single large leaf with spider webs and cotton and lays eggs in it.
The breeding season is March to December peaking from June to August in India, coinciding with the wet season. ( Rainfall season )I saw that mother Bird was carrying cotton in her mouth among the plants of the Golden Canna. But, I couldn’t find the location of the nest. Then, fortunately in the second turn, when Father Bird brought some twigs, I saw that it jumped a big leaf of the Golden Cana and flew away after keeping the twigs.
If a person walking on the footpath in the park, its attention does not go to this nest at all because everyone is involved with its work but after taking some time we should know about the birds and the manner & way of making their nest.It built the nest with many things such as small twigs, dried leaves, and spider webs too.
However, it sewed the leaves together, the most cotton had been used in this nest and the nest was very well hidden by 2 leaves and camouflage really helped her defending the eggs from miscellaneous predators. Both The chicks flew into this Beautiful sky.
To read the long story of a journey on a large single leaf. Kindly click the link given below.
When I Saved a Tailorbird’s Chick
On the 15th of August papa and I did a great job. We saved a tailorbird’s chick from dying between the tyres of a car. When I was doing cycling with my friends then I saw that chick and when it was going to give water to plants on the main road which were planted earlier. I found a tailorbird’s chick going on the road may be separated from the parents and we gave it to its parents when we listened to them shouting. Then, papa also really helped me to find parents.
Saving a bird is a good reward for life. As much as their parents can raise them. We can’t. If you find it too. Try to find the parent's birdies.
See this post on Facebook too. The link is waiting for you to be open.
3. Indian white eye/ Oriental white-eye
This is a small bird unable to find due to its size and camouflage. Hyperactive little yellow bird with an off-white belly and white “spectacles.” Found in a wide range of habitats, from mangroves to gardens to forest edge; generally favors more open forested areas, not dense tangles. Travels in flocks, sometimes mixed in with other species.
Note light bouncing flight. Gives bright but faint “sweet!” calls both while foraging and in flight. oriental White Eye birds are easily identified by the distinctive white ring around eyes and always found in small groups feeding insects or nectar. The species is found in a wide range of habitats from the Indian subcontinent to Southeast Asia.
Description : This bird is small (about 8–9 cm long) with yellowish olive upperparts, a white eye-ring, yellow throat, and vent. The belly is whitish grey but may have yellow in some subspecies. The sexes look similar.
Scientific name: Zosterops palpebrosus
Other names : सफेद आँख का पक्षी ( Hindi )
Distribution: scrub to moist forest
Habitat: resident breeder in open woodland on the Indian subcontinent.
Diet: They forage in small groups, feeding on nectar and small insects.
Total 3 Nests of Indian White Eye during Lockdown in my park Let us see :
#Story no. 1 : When I saw them with wings !!..
The Day was 21 May 2020
We all were there in the fourth phase of lockdown.
God gave me a ray of hope from our park after we lose Bulbul’s eggs.
That evening, my father ordered me to go to the gardener in the park to tell him about some work.
So, When I went to call him, I went to the park to call the gardener, but the gardener showed me one thing and after seeing that thing, I got mad with happiness, then I came home and picked up the phone and took that picture given below.
I saw the 3 chicks of a bird sleeping in a small nest which was very little just like the size of my hands and those chicks were very cute, their little wings also came out, That was for the first time that I saw chicks of any bird with my own eyes . it seemed that they were at least 5 to 6 days old. The naked chicks had now worn their feathers. Then, I shooked the branch on which the nest was made. Then, a child woke up from sleep and considered me his mother and opened his mouth, and just saying that — “mother first give me food. I am very hungry, my siblings are sleeping right now”. so, I quickly took a picture of that.
May 22, 2020, Friday
I decided last night that I would wake up early in the morning and go to the park to see which bird these kids belong to. I went to the park with my father. We saw a little movement in the nest and a yellow bird was sitting in it. On May 22 I saw this bird first time in my life ever. That was your small bird — Indian White Eye.
But, unfortunately the next day on May 23rd the nest was empty and one chick died in it and ants were eating it. #RIP Sorry chick. I couldn’t do anything. So I have lost these too also same as of Bulbul’s eggs and was able to spend only 2 days with me.I shook the nest he was not waking up for food. As it had said goodbye to all of us. It probably died due to the heat yesterday because it was a very scorching sunny day yesterday and When the gardener cut that tree, the sunlight was direct on them. So in the nest , the chick was uprooted and his beak was also dry and there was no sign of the other two as you can see in the picture given. It seemed that the mother had taken the rest of them somewhere. Otherwise, if there was no other big animal, those two children would have eaten, then why would they have left that child ??.
To read to continue full sad story of the cuties of Indian White eye. Click the link given. In English and In Hindi too.
#Story no. 2 : Hardwork : Nature is Unique
Walking in the park in the morning is good for health.
One day when I was walking in the park in the morning. Then, I saw a small greenish-yellow bird with white eyes. Google says that this bird is known as ‘The Indian White Eye’ she had something like cotton in it’s mouth. So I thought that it must be making it’s nest, there was another bird as well. Whoever may be male, there were small twigs in it’s mouth as well. So I followed those two birds and they entered a tree.
So Both of them went on this tree.🌳🌳
Thus, they Decided to settle their family on a short but, dense tree.
I keep them captured till 21 days From 21 June to 11 July and this time no one was there to disturb us. All of the three chicks of the Indian White Eye fly free in the sky.
During these lockdown and unlock days. I have saw total 3nests in my locality. Birding or bird watching is very amazing to fresh the mind. See how much hardwork the birds done to raise their young ones.
Full story is not here. Don’t miss it out. link is already there for you. Again for you in english and hindi.
#Story no. 3 : The excellent arts of Nature!!..
In “ Hardwork: Nature is Unique “ The journey of the chicks of Indian White Eye was successful. From their birth to the first flight, they happily flew into this emancipate sky.
I have never found many nests in my life as seen in coronavirus during the lockdown.
But the main thing is that the nest which was the last Indian white-eyed bird made. suddenly, it broke down one day due to heavy rain. Which I brought home, but the miracle happened that in the same place an another Indian White Eye made a nest which was looking like a swing, and laid three eggs same as previous White-eye.
Again eggs were by the Indian white who rebuilt the nest at the same spot on the same tree. Probably both of them will be friends and both of them would have talked that from here my chicks flew to touch the border of this beautiful sky, you too can try here.
At that time the nest had been made a bit bigger. That was my fifth nest during Lokdown after Tailorbird’s nest. I traced them for 10 days From 2nd of august to 12th August. That was the journey of the first chick from nest to first flight during the delightful days of Raksha Bandhan to janamashtami .
Continue White eye story also in this link given above.
We saved one of them Indian White Eye chick
when I went to park in afternoon to buy something from Vita booth I saw that one thing was moving on grass and several crows were flying in the sky. when I went close to it. It was the small cutie of Indian white eye maybe it was separate from its family. I tried to find its parents but I was not able to find them because they gone in the morning only. so, I helped it as crows were flying (crows are scavengers as well as predators too) in the sky. I didn’t want to took any risk at that I took a wooden stick from Park and I took the chick at my home.
my dad and mom were very happy to see it as it was very tiny. when the crows flew away. I kept the chick again to its home (nest).
I hope that we will able to see more excellent arts of nature. Now the Tailor Bird’s and Indian white eye’s chicks have flew away.
4. Jungle babbler (Saat Bhai)
Jungle Babbler is native bird of Indian Subcontinent and always found in small groups of six to ten birds around the cities. Babbler birds are very social and maintain their group and territories, can be spotted very common near town. It is a small bird found in most parts of India.
It has a yellow and dark brow near its eye which gives it an angry look. They are social birds and are found in groups of 6 to 10. They mostly feed on nectars, berries, and small insects.
Description : The jungle babbler’s habitat is forest and cultivation. This species, like most babblers, is non-migratory, and has short rounded wings and a weak flight. The sexes are identical, drably coloured in brownish grey with a yellow-bill making them confusable only with the endemic yellow-billed babblers of peninsular India and Sri Lanka.
Scientific name: Turdoides striata
Distribution: very common near towns and cities particularly in northern India.
Habitat: The jungle babbler’s habitat is forest and cultivation.
Diet: They feed mainly on insects, but also eats grains, nectar and berries.
When i Saved A Babbler’s chick
On 3rd of october done a great job. He saved a Jungle babbler’s chick from dogs at main road of sector 9, Panchkula, Haryana.
When, Iwas going to give water to plants on main road which were planted earlier. But, that time the parents were there. I found a babbler’s chick at the corner of the road and I and my friend Aarush Katoch helped to rescue it.
when we listened dogs shouting and barking on it while we were cycling. As the dawn was came. They were might be not able to see the parents. so, they put it on a wall in the hope of its parents.
Saving a bird is a good reward of life.As much as their parents can raise them. We can’t. If you find too. Try to find the parents birdie’s.
The next Morning………….Chick was safe with its parent’s.
5. Old world Sparrow
Scientific name : Passeridae
Distribution: The Old World sparrows are indigenous to Europe, Africa and Asia. In the Americas, Australia, and other parts of the world, settlers imported some species which quickly naturalised, particularly in urban and degraded areas.
Habitat:Old World sparrows generally inhabit open areas. They are well adapted to urban landscapes and can be found alongside humans throughout the world.
Diet : They eat cereals, grain, grass and weed seeds, seed sprouts, berries and buds, insects and spiders.
6. Large brown headed green barbet
On 6th of December I saw this bird in my life first time. that day when I went to the park to Vita booth to buy something from it. I saw half Brown and half green medium size Bird roaming in park.Then, Google lens App helped me to find the name of the same bird calling his/her mate.
The bird was a large brown headed green barbet. Due to its breeding season it was calling its mate. Flying one branch to another.
DESCRIPTION: A large green barbet with stout orange bill, large bare yellow (non-breeding) or red- orange (breeding) patch around eye, pale streaked brown head, neck, mantle and breast, brown throat, pale gren lower breast and belly , Whitish-tipped wing-coverts and yellowish legs.
BEHAVIOUR: Arboreal. Found singly or in small groups. Very noisy in breeding scason. Often birds ovcr large area join in chorus.
VOICE: Persistent, monotonous kutroo kutroo and kuruk kutruk
HABITAT: Broad leaved trees, dry tree cavities
ID Pointers: deciduous forest, forest clearines * Green body, stout orange bill and edges, wooded areas around * Bare yellow or red-orange eye-pats habitation, fruiting trees along * Pale streaked brown head, neck, m roadsides and wooded gardens. breast. Brown throat. * Pale green lower breast and belly. * Wing-coverts tipped whitish * Yellowish Iegs.
BEST PLACES TO SEE: In Suitable habitats throughout the State.
7. Indian silverbills
Indian Silverbill is a small munia type bird and a common resident breeding bird and a garden bird in India. The species frequently found near the water bodies, plains and cultivation area. They can be look similar like The sparrows. only one thing is alike that their tail is long then their body.
Scientific name: Euodice malabarica
Distribution: It occurs in Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Iran and Israel. It has been accidentally introduced into many other parts of the world and has established itself in Jordan, Israel, Kuwait, Oman, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United States, Virgin Islands.
Habitat: It frequents dry open scrub, fallow land and cultivation, sometimes near water. Although mainly found on the plains.
Diet: It feeds mainly on seeds, but also takes insects and has been known to visit nectar bearing flowers, such as those of Erythrina trees.
8. Red Vented Bulbul
The Red-vented Bulbul is a member of the bulbul family and a resident of the Indian Subcontinent. Red-vented Bulbul is one of the most common bird in India, It has adapted the urban culture very well, It also known as red ass bird in local language. Red Vented Bulbul is very famous for its singing.
Its scientific name is Pycnonotus cafer. They are popularly known as Bulbul in Hindi. They can be identified by red-colored spots underneath its stomach and black colored monarch hat. They are destroying flowers, fruits, and seeds bearing vegetables but helps in spreading seeds too.
Scientific name: Pycnonotus cafer ; Size: 21cms
Description: A dark and crested medium sized bird with black head and throat and red under tail coverts. Sexes alike.
Habits: A bold, pugnacious, cheerful and vivacious bird, Red-vented Bulbuls are usually seen in pairs or small parties. This species is highly adaptive and can be found in both cities and in deep forests. Their catholic taste in food and ability to build a nest in the most unsuitable spot has something to do with their success.
Distribution : In its native range it is rarely found in mature forests.
Habitat: Scrub, forests, secondary growth, towns and cities.
Range: Widespread resident across the country and up to 2300m in the hills.
Nest of Red vented Bulbul in our home during lockdown coronavirus pandemic.
You also need to known : An incomplete story of family of Red Vented Bulbul on our Curry leaves tree during Lockdown 2020.
A pair of two bulbuls decided to make their nest on the curry leaf tree in our verandah. These are just once in a lifetime moments and I am happy that i got to capture it. I tracked this Red Vented Bulbul while it made its nest and Abracadabra there was an egg to welcome me one day. Then two more the next and the day after tomorrow !!..
Since the days were passing in the hope of the little cutie ( chicks ) ones . Then, one day an unwanted guest ( A clever Cat ) arrived to destroy the Beautiful home of Bulbul. But, luckily we were there scene that Bulbul, I and my Mamma saw today, was very dangerous and intimidating. Today if Mamma and I were not near the curry leaf tree, then anything could be happened with the eggs of Bulbul. When, Mamma and I were behind Went to pick up dry clothes. Then, Bulbul started making a loud noise and then a cat was coming from the wall of our neighbour’s. Before that, Mama and I shoo her away before she saw the eggs and that was good that she doesn’t look at the eggs. But, I think that might that she will be back. But, she not come again which was good.
- 6 May 2020 Wednesday , 7:31 a.m
While I was sleeping comfortably in the morning, suddenly my father came to me with the picture in his phone and after seeing that picture, I got shocked and I disappoint and felt very sad.
If you look at this picture above, you will also be felt very sad because Bulbul had no eggs in the nest in this picture and an egg peel was there which was probably eaten by the cat and we lost Bulbul’s 3 kind children. Bulbul was may very disappointed. She was coming in the nest again and again and she was crying with pain and she was very pity and looking for his eggs all around but we also could not do anything because this is the cat’s food and also a food chain in nature.
Bulbul came till 6 o’ clock in the evening She came and in the nest, she might think that my eggs have come, but what does that she thing know? They will never come And today I remember a very old song of Manna dey, that is, ‘Zindagi kaisi hai paheli hay kabhie yeh Hassay kabhie yeh rulaay’of rajesh Khanna’s film Anand. Now, Bulbul’s eggs are gone, but Bulbul gave us a lesson to keep working hard and she make her nest in just two weeks and We humans cannot make it even after 3 weeks also. This story of mine remained incomplete, so I gave the title of that story my incomplete story which became on my curry leaf tree.
— The incomplete story of bulbul by Aaryan bhalla…….😶
Now, Read a Poem written by Mrs. Sudesh Rana Regarding the story of the unlucky Red vented Bulbul. In hindi.
To read the beutiful incomplete journey of Red Vented Bulbul. Click the link given below. In English also and In hindi too.
Bulbul’s Two our park.
On 7th of june suddenly I listened the sound of some chicks. then, i came to known that they the chicks of a red vented Bulbul. The squirrels were trying to irritate the chicks. But, their parents very bravely defend them. This was for first time. I saw the chicks of a Red Vented bulbul by my own eyes.
They were roaming in the park since 2 weeks . But, suddenly they left the park and flew away to complete their life.
9. White Eared Bulbul
The white-eared bulbul or white-cheeked bulbul, is a member of the bulbul family. It is found in south-western Asia from India to the Arabian peninsula.
Scientific name: Pycnonotus leucotis
Distribution: Found in southern Iran, southern Afghanistan, Pakistan and north-western India.
Habitat: It is found in scrub forest and gardenland. Also found in flocks or pairs in the mangroves, gorging on the fruits of the Meswak bush.
Diet: It feeds on fruits and insects, and breeds in March–June.
The white-eared bulbul was originally described in the genus Ixos. The white-eared bulbul is considered to belong to a superspecies along with the Himalayan bulbul, white-spectacled bulbul, African red-eyed bulbul, Cape bulbul, and the common bulbul.
Formerly, some authorities considered the white-eared bulbul to be a subspecies of the Himalayan Bulbul. The alternate name, white-cheeked bulbul, is also used by the Himalayan bulbul. In Iran it is sometimes referred to as “the bulbul of Tehran”.
10. Oriental Magpie robin
Oriental Magpie Robin is a member of the old World flycatcher and well known for their songs and log tail. This species long tail usually held upright on the ground and is the national bird of Bangladesh.
a black and white bird in India has the scientific name of Copsychus saularis. It comes from a family of passerine birds which means they are perching birds, small in size, and are good at singing. It is called Dahiyar and Kali Sui Chidiya in Hindi.
Scientific name: Copsychus saularis ; Size: 20–22cms.
Description: A smart pied chat with prominent white wing markings and white underparts. Male is glossy blue-black, and the female a dull grey above.
Habits: The top city songster. The male pours out a rich melody often from the top a tall perch. Individuals are territorial and visit favourite feeding places where the diet of insects and leftovers are easily available. Often nest in manmade structures and abandoned pipes etc. Can be remarkably tame.
Habitat: Open woodland, forest edge, farms, towns and cities
Range: Widespread resident across the country. Scarce in north-western India.
11. Indian Brown Rock chat
Indian Brown rock chat is one of the most city bird, often seen running along the ground. The Indian chat mainly found in dry habitats,breeds in March to June and August to September and nest in Hole in the Walls.
Indian chat is a Muscicapidae family bird and is found mainly in the regions of North and western India. These are small birds and can be identified by its white patch over its shoulders. They have long tails and are mostly upright in position.
Scientific name: Oenanthe fusca
Distribution: It is found mainly in northern and central India. The species is nearly endemic to India, distributed north of the Narmada, west to Gujarat and east to Bengal bordered on the north by the Himalayas.
Habitat: It is often found on old buildings and rocky areas.
Diet: hey feed mainly on insects, picked off the ground. They have been known to feed late and forage on insects attracted to artificial lighting.
12. Rose ringed Parakeet
The beautiful Rose Ring necked Parakeet is native to the Asian and spread up to large range of Afro-Asian. Indian Ring-Necked Parrot are popular as pets in India and in the wild.
Rose ringed Parakeet is the state bird of Andhra Pradesh. It is a medium-sized parrot and is considered one of the best and most talkative parakeets. It is highly intelligent and is good pets.
Scientific name: Psittacula krameri ; Size: 41cms
Description: Slim green parakeet with a bright red beak and greenish grey feet. Lacks maroon shoulder patch. Males have a black and rose collar which the female lacks.
Habits: Noisy and gregarious, the species moves in fast moving flocks to feed on a variety of plant matter including fruits and crops. Well adapted to city life, Rose-rings are also popular in the cage-bird trade. Roosts communally in huge numbers and nests in tree holes.
Habitat: Woodlands, mangroves, grassland, open farmland, parks, gardens and human vicinity.
Distribution : Rose-ringed Parakeet ranges from Central Africa to Uganda, southern Asia, India and Sri Lanka. It has been introduced in Middle and Far East, North America, England, the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.
Range: Widespread resident across the country and up to 1600 m in the hills.
Diet : rose-ringed parakeets usually feed on buds, fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, and seeds.
13. Alexendrine Parakeet
The Alexandrine or the large Indian parakeet, is known as ‘hiraman tota’ in Hindi. It is about the size of a pigeon, with a slender body and a long pointed tail. The body is covered by a brilliant grass green plumage. The beak is short but stout, sharp-edged, deeply hooked and red. There is a conspicuous maroon patch on each shoulder.
The female is green all over, but the male has a rose-pink collar and black throat. Upper mandible is movable on the frontal bone of skull. Feet are adapted for grasping holding and climbing. There are 2 front toes and 2 hind toes. The outer hind toe is not reversible. Food consists chiefly of fruits. Parrots are gregarious with loud voices. Parrots can copy and speak some words like human being but not as distinctly as the hill myna.
Even then they are popular domestic cage birds as they are easily procured. Parrots affect wooded country, orchards and cultivation. Occasionally collects in large flocks which do considerable damage to ripening fruits and standing crops of maize and jowar. Voice deeper and more powerful than that of the commoner Rose-ringed species.
Nesting season is chiefly December to April, varying locally. Nest is an unlined hollow in a tree-trunk at moderate heights and up to 30 metres up. Eggs 2 to 4, white, blunt ovals. Both sexes share all domestic duties. Parrots are distributed practically throughout India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Myanmar.
Scientific name: Psittacula eupatria
Distribution: Western India, South India and Sri Lanka. Eastern Afghanistan, Pakistan, North India, Central India, East India, Nepal and Bhutan.
Habitat: forests, woodlands, agricultural lands and mangrove forests at elevations of up to 900 m (3,000 ft).
Diet: It eats a variety of wild and cultivated seeds, buds, fruits and nuts.
14. Plum Headed Parakeet
The plum-headed parakeet is a mainly green parrot, 33 cm long with a tail up to 22 cm. The male has a red head which shades to purple-blue on the back of the crown, nape and cheeks while the female has blueish-gray head. There is a narrow black neck collar with verdigris below on the nape and a black chin stripe that extends from the lower mandible. There is a red shoulder patch and the rump and tail are bluish-green, the latter tipped white.
The upper mandible is orangish-yellow, and the lower mandible is dark. The female has a dull bluish grey head and lacks the black and verdigris collar which is replaced by yellow. The upper-mandible is corn-yellow and there is no black chin stripe or red shoulder patch. Immature birds have a green head and both mandibles are yellowish. The dark head is acquired after a year.
Scientific name: Psittacula cyanocephala
Distribution: They are found from the foothills of the Himalayas south to Sri Lanka. They are not found in the dry regions of western India. They are sometimes kept as pets and escaped birds have been noted in New York, Florida and in some places in the Middle East.
Habitat: The plum-headed parakeet is a bird of forest and open woodland, even in city gardens
Diet: Plum-headed parakeets generally eat more fruit than other parakeets. However, their diet still includes large amounts of seeds in addition to fruit and nectar. These parakeets have been known to destroy crops when they arrive in flocks of over 100 birds.
15. Red Wattled Lapwing
we all have visited Sukhna lake of Chandigarh and you must have seen a red wattled lapwing bird there which is of white and BLack colour and its calls are very high as their pitch is very high. but, i have not captured in my camera it yet. have you ever wondered how their chicks look like. Such as ostrich chick.
Red Wattled Lapwing is a large wader bird, known for loud alarm calls even during the late night. The lapwing birds are usually seen in pairs near river banks and on lakes and have a very popular birds in Indian culture and associated with indication good rains.
Scientific name: Vanellus indicus
Distribution: It breeds from West Asia eastwards across South Asia (Baluchistan, Sri Lanka,Afghanistan, Pakistan, the entire Indian subcontinent up to Kanyakumari and up to 1800m in Kashmir/Nepal), with another sub-species further east in Southeast Asia.
Habitat: It usually keeps in pairs or trios in well-watered open country, ploughed fields, grazing land, and margins and dry beds of tanks and puddles. They occasionally form large flocks, ranging from 26 to 200 birds. It is also found in forest clearings around rain-filled depressions.
Diet: The diet of the lapwing includes a range of insects, snails and other invertebrates, mostly picked from the ground. They may also feed on some grains. They feed mainly during the day but they may also feed at night.
16. Rock Dove
Rock Doves Are also known as common Pigeons/Rock pigeons are also known as Domestic pigeons/Kabootar in India. Its scientific name is Columba livia domestica. Pigeons are from the family of Columbidae which consists of pigeons and dove. They are very strong birds and are used for racing. When domesticated properly they return back to the same spot after a long flight. Interestingly for racing, some birds have even been sold at the rate of more than whooping Rs. 20,00,00,000. Green Imperial Pigeons are the state bird of Tripura while Andaman wood pigeon is the representative bird for Andaman and Nicobar. They can be saw on different historical buildings or on Railway stations.
Scientific name: Columba livia ; Size: 33cms
Other names : Pigeons/Rock pigeons,Domestic pigeons/Kabootar
Description: Steel blue-grey with 2 broad wing bars, broad blackish band at tip of tail. Feet red. Feral birds widely occur in cities and come in varied plumages including very dark birds. Sexes similar.
Habits: Gregarious and bold. Large flocks attend favoured feeding areas which include granaries and cultivation. Feeds on seeds and shoots. Much given to aggressive courtship display. Nests on ledges/holes on Air conditioners or between the walls.
Habitat: The natural habitat consists of rock faces but feral birds occupy humans constructions. Found at elevations up to 3400m.
Range: Widespread resident across the country. Also occurs in higher elevations.
17. Laughing Dove (Chota Fakta)
Laughing Dove comes from the same family as Pigeons which is Columbidae. Its scientific name is Spilopelia senegalensis. They are mostly found in the regions where there are dry scrubs and semi-desert or arid regions.
Scientific name: Spilopelia senegalensis
Distribution: Its range includes much of Sub-Saharan Africa, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India.
Habitat: It is a common and widespread species in scrub, dry farmland, and in areas of human habitation, often becoming very tame.
Diet: Laughing doves eat the fallen seeds, mainly of grasses, other vegetable matter and small ground insects such as termites and beetles.
18. Eurasian Collared Dove
It is a medium-sized dove, distinctly smaller than the wood pigeon, similar in length to a rock pigeon but slimmer and longer-tailed, and slightly larger than the related European turtle dove, with an average length of 32 cm (13 in)from tip of beak to tip of tail, with a wingspan of 47–55 cm (19–22 in), and a weight of 125–240 g (4.4–8.5 oz). It is grey-buff to pinkish-grey overall, a little darker above than below, with a blue-grey underwing patch. The tail feathers are grey-buff above, and dark grey and tipped white below; the outer tail feathers are also tipped whitish above. It has a black half-collar edged with white on its nape from which it gets its name.
Scientific name: Streptopelia decaocto
Distribution: The Eurasian collared dove is not migratory, but is strongly dispersive. They are found in Asia, Europe and America etc.
Habitat: The collared dove is a small pigeon found on farmland and in woodland, parks and gardens across the country.
Diet: Collared doves feed on seeds and grain on the ground and are usually seen singularly or in pairs, although small flocks may form where there is enough food.
19. Eursian Hoopoe
Hoopoe or Upupa epops is known as ‘hudhud’ in Hindi. It is about the size of a myna. A reddish fawn coloured bird with black and white zebra markings on back, wings and tail. A conspicuous fan-shaped crest, and long, slender, gently curved bill (beak) which is about 5 cm long. Both the sexes are alike or similar.
Singly or pairs usually on the ground in lightly-wooded country. The hoopoe is found practically all over India. It is fond of lawns, gardens and grooves in and around villages and towns. It walks and runs with a quail-like but waddling gait, probing into the soil for food with bill partly open like forceps. When digging, the crest is folded back and projects in a point behind the head. It is flicked open and erected fanwise from time to time.
The hoopoe is often found pecking and feeding on insects on the ground. Its name echoes its distinctive calls “hoo-po” and hud-hud-hud. It emits a soft musical, penetrating hoo-po or hoo-po-po repeated in runs, often intermittently for 10 minutes at a stretch. It feeds on insects, grubs and pupae, hence, it is beneficial to agriculture.
Nesting season principally February to May. It nests in natural tree hollow or hole in wall or ceiling of a building. Nest is lined with straw, rags and rubbish. Eggs 5 or 6, white in colour. Both sexes share in feeding the young. Hoopoe is found throughout India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Myanmar.
Scientific name: Upupidae
Distribution : Europe, Asia, and North Africa and northern Sub-Saharan Africa. Combined distribution of all species of Upupa: Light green : African Hoopoe. Orange, blue, dark green : Eurasian Hoopoe. Brown : Madagascar Hoopoe.
Habitat: The hoopoe has two basic requirements of its habitat: bare or lightly vegetated ground on which to forage and vertical surfaces with cavities such as trees, cliffs or even walls, nestboxes, haystacks, and abandoned burrows in which to nest.
Diet: The diet of the hoopoe is mostly composed of insects, although small reptiles, frogs and plant matter such as seeds and berries are sometimes taken as well.
20. House Sparrow (Gauraiya)
House sparrow and in Hindi it is called gauriyya. It is a small bird growing up to 10 cm to 16 cm in length. The upper surface is earthy brown streaked with blackish and fulvous and underparts are whitish. Sexual dimorphism is distinct. The female is ash white and the male is earthy brown with blackish throat and breast and white abdomen.
Beak is conical and eyes small. Feet are adapted for perching with three toes anterior and the first toe of hallux posterior. Sparrows are omnivorous but chiefly granivorous. Food consists chiefly of seeds and grain gleaned on the ground, but they also raid ripening crops of wheat and other cereals. It is an unfailing commensal on man.
In winter these birds collect in large flocks to feed in and around cultivation. Breeding occurs almost throughout the year 3 to 5 pale white greyish eggs are laid at a time and successive broods are often raised. These are useful to agriculture by destroying large number of insect pests. Nest is a collection of straw and rubbish stuffed into a hole in a wall. Passer domesticus is distributed world-wide except the Andamans and Nicobars.
House Sparrow is the state Bird of Bihar and Delhi. It is one of the most common birds to be found in India. From North to south and East to West you can spot a house sparrow everywhere. Since 2000 their number is been decreasing drastically due to deforestation. The difference between the female and male house sparrow is that male sparrow has black spot underneath their neck while female doesn’t have.
Scientific name: Passer domesticus ; Size: 15cms
Description: The cinnamon-brown male has grey upper tail coverts, white ear coverts and large black patch in centre of breast. The duller female has black streaks on back and two whitish wing bars
Habits: Familiar companion of humans — chirpy and cheerful. Numbers seem to be declining lately and one cause could be lack of suitable nesting sites. Mainly a seed-eater, House Sparrows have a mixed diet which includes insects. Usually seen in pairs, they move in small flocks and roost communally. Nests exclusively in human dwellings.
Habitat: Grassland, farmlands, towns, cities, human habitations
Range: Widespread resident. Replaced by the Eurasian Tree Sparrow in the hills and north-east.
20. Black Kite ( Indian Eagle )
Black kite is also known as pariah kite and Cheel in hindi . This bird is quite large in size and grows up to 60 cm in length. It is brown in colour. The tail is forked, a distinguishing character from all other similar birds. No sexual dimorphism. Both sexes are alike and share in the domestic duties. Food chiefly comprises offal and garbage, earthworms, winged termites, lizards, mice and young birds, etc. It lives in the neighbourhood of human habitations.
Nesting season from September to April. Nest untidy platform of twigs, iron wire, tow rags and rubbish up in a large tree or on roof or cornice of a building. Eggs 2 to 4, dirty pinkish white, lightly spotted and blotched with reddish brown. Milvus (kite) is found throughout India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Myanmar.
In India, we have two kinds of kites, the common pariah kite and the brahminy kite. The Brahminy kite is smaller than the other and much handsomer. Its head, neck and breast are pure white, while the rest of the plumage is rich chest-nut brown, its tail is rounded and not forked or wedged. Largely a scavenger in sea ports. Food chiefly comprises offal, fish, frogs, small snakes, etc. Winged termites emerging from rain-sodden ground are hawked in the air.
Nesting season principally December to April. Nest is a loose platform of twigs, lined with green leaves, etc., built up in a large peepul, banyan or similar tree growing near water. Eggs 2, greyish white, speckled and blotched with dingy reddish brown. Both sexes share in the domestic duties. The brahminy kite is found throughout India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Myanmar.
These are from the family Accipitirdae. In India, kites are found in many species such as black kites, red kites, and many others. Its scientific name is Milvus migrans. These are birds of prey and feed mainly on mice, rats, and squirrels. There are few species that are particular about eating such as snail Kites which only eats snails.
Scientific name: Milvus migrans ; Size: 40 to 60 cms.
Description: Dark brown plumage with a forked tail. In flight forked tail and long angled wings are noticeable. Sexes alike.
Habits: Scavenger found around human settlements. Commonest bird of prey that we get to see today. Circles in the sky for hours and often seen in the hundreds at roost or near a preferred feeding area. partial to feeding on earthworms. Nests in tall trees. So, many Kites flying on the ‘Mount of garbage’ in Delhi.
Habitat: Open woodland, forest edge, farms, towns and cities
diet : offal and garbage, earthworms, winged termites, lizards, mice and young birds, eggs etc.
Range: Widespread resident across the country.
21. Black Drongo (Racket Punch Bird)
Black Drongo as the name suggests is a blackbird with scientific name as Dicrurus macrocercus. It is fully black and has a long forked tail. They weigh from 40g to 80g. They are mostly hunting birds which hunt near the ground. They have different breeding seasons according to the regions of India. When they are in Southern Parts of India they reed early from February to March while in other parts of India they breed from February to August.
Scientific name: Dicrurus macrocercus ; Size: 30cms
Description: Smart and graceful glossy blue-black bird with a long forked tail. Sexes alike.
Habits: Fearless, agile and aggressive, this successful species is a feature of all our open spaces where its favoured insect food abounds. Individuals are territorial outside breeding season and have favoured perches from where they announce their presence with a medley of harsh calls mixed with skilled impersonation of calls of other species. Nests in trees which are protected from all avian intruders with zest and daring.
Distribution : They are found as summer visitors to northeastern Afghanistan and northern Pakistan but are residents from the Indus Valley until Bangladesh and into India and Sri Lanka.
Habitat: Open country. Usually near habitation.
Range: Widespread resident across the country.
22. House Crow
House crow is also called kowwa or kagaa in Hindi. It is a most familiar bird of Indian towns and villages, growing in length from 32 to 42 cm. The body is covered with a more or less black plumage, while the neck and breast are grey coloured. Each leg bears 4 clawed toes, three directed forwards and one backwards. Feet are adapted for perching.
Omnivorous. It eats almost anything-dead rat, kitchen refuse, fish, eggs, locusts, termites, fruits and grain, etc. Nest is a platform of twigs with a cup-like depression lined with tow, coir fibre, etc. The koel commonly lays its eggs in the nests of crows. It is a useful scavanger and an unfailing commensal of man. Although they destroy locusts and other injurious insects when they are swarming but also raid ripening crops such as wheat and maize and do considerable damage to fruits in orchards. Corvus splendens is distributed throughout India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Myanmar.
Scientific name: Corvus splendens ; Size: 43cms
Description: Unmistakable. Note greyish collar on black plumage. Sexes alike.
Habits: Bold, smart and very adaptive, this gregarious species is an omnivorous and opportunistic feeder. Many roost is large colonies though breeding pairs roost together in their territory. Pair bonding is strong. Nests in trees and is brood-paracitized by the Asian Koel.
Habitat: Near human habitation including very small settlements.
Range: Widespread resident across the country and up to 2000m in the hills.
23. Asian Koel ( Female Chick )
Koel or Kokila is known as Eudynamis scolopacea. Its body is slender with a longer tail measuring up to 42 cm in length about the size of a crow Sexual dimorphism is well marked. Male is glistening metallic black all over with a striking yellowish green bill or beak and crimson or blood red eyes. Female is brown profusely spotted and barred with white.
it is very common and widespread bird of gardens and groves, and is perhaps better known by its melodious voice than by its appearance. It is the male bird whose voice is often heard m summer during mango season. The female koel does not sing but utters a sharp and quick repeated ‘kik-kik-kik’. Food consists chiefly of banyan and peepal figs, various berries and hairy caterpillars.
Koel is a nest parasite and does not build a nest of its own but deposits its eggs in crow’s nest leaving them to be hatched, and the young to be reared, by the foster parents. It is entirely arboreal and never descends to the ground. During winter it is silent and, thus, often overlooked and presumed to have migrated and becomes noisy with the advance of hot weather. Koel is distributed throughout India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Myanmar.
Scientific name: Eudynamys scolopacea ; Size: 43cms
Description: A cuckoo species with bright red eyes and a hooked beak. Males are glossy black while females are dark brownish with heavy spotting and barring.
Habits: Asian Koels are found wherever you can find House Crows — a species which the Koel brood-paracitizes. Despite its striking colours and large size it is often hard to see the bird when it is perched. Its far ranging ‘ko-yu, ko-yo’ call and a maniacal screech are often the only indications of its presence in the locality.
Habitat: Open country, towns, forests.
Range: Widespread resident. Absent from the dry north-west.
24. Purple Sunbird
Scientific name: Nectarinia asiatica ; Size: 10cms
Description: A tiny purple jewel of our gardens. The purplish-black breeding male has reflective metallic feathers that glisten in the sun. The yellow-brown female is drab in comparison. Males out of breeding season wear an eclipse plumage which is like the female’s but with a dark blue throat stripe.
Habits: A pugnacious, striking, and active species, Purple Sunbirds bring joy to and colour to our gardens and parks. Usually seen in pairs, these nectar-feeding birds attend suitable blooms through the day and use their long tubular tongues to collect nectar from deep inside the flowers.
Habitat: Open forests, scrub, towns, and cities.
Range: Widespread resident.
Distribution : The species is distributed widely from West Asia through the Indian subcontinent and into Southeast Asia. They are resident birds in most parts of their range and do not move large distances. They are found in thin forest and garden land, including those in dense urban areas.
The species is distributed widely from West Asia through the Indian subcontinent and into Southeast Asia. They are resident birds in most parts of their range and do not move large distances. They are found in thin forest and garden land, including those in dense urban areas.
Habitat: They are found in thin forest and garden land, including those in dense urban areas.
Diet: Like other sunbirds, they feed mainly on nectar, although they will also take insects, especially when feeding young. They have a fast and direct flight and can take nectar by hovering like a hummingbird but often perch at the base of flowers.
25. Rufous Treepie
This ill-mannered bird, the Rufous Treepie, is a common corvid (a bird of the crow family) that is found throughout India. It is endemic to the Indian subcontinent, which means that it is only found in this region, and nowhere else in the world. The bird is the size of a myna, but with a long tail.
Scientific name: Dendrocitta vagabunda
Distribution: It is native to the Indian Subcontinent and adjoining parts of Southeast Asia. The range of the rufous treepie is quite large, covering Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand.
Habitat: It inhabits an open forest consisting of scrub, plantations, and gardens.
Diet: The rufous treepie is primarily an arboreal omnivore feeding on fruits, nectar (of Bombax ceiba) seeds, invertebrates, small reptiles, and the eggs and young of birds; it has also been known to take flesh from recently killed carcasses.
26. Black Redstart
The black redstart is a small passerine bird in the redstart genus Phoenicurus. Like its relatives, it was formerly classed as a member of the thrush family but is now known to be an Old World flycatcher. Other common names are Timothy's redstart, black-start, and black redtail.
Scientific name: Phoenicurus ochruros
Distribution: It is a widespread breeder in the south and central Europe and Asia and north-west Africa, from Great Britain and Ireland (where local) south to Morocco, east to central China. It is resident in the milder parts of its range, but north-eastern birds migrate to winter in southern and western Europe and Asia, and North Africa.
Habitat: Black Redstart frequents rocky areas with some vegetation, stony slopes, crags, and gulleys in mountainous areas. This species is also found near humans in villages and towns, preferring buildings and monuments rather than parks and gardens.
Diet: They also feed insects, spiders, worms, berries, and seeds.
27. Indian Grey Hornbill : ‘State Bird of Chandigarh’
The Indian grey hornbill is a medium-sized hornbill, measuring around 61 cm (24 in) in length. The upperparts are greyish-brown and there is a slight trace of a pale supercilium. The ear coverts are darker. The flight feathers of the wing are dark brown with a whitish tip. The tail has a white tip and a dark subterminal band. They have a red iris and the eyelids have eyelashes. The casque is short and pointed.
Scientific name: Ocyceros birostris
Distribution: Indian grey hornbill found in most parts of India, from the Himalayan foothills, southwards through the Indian peninsula, absent in the very dry areas of western India, and in wet forests of the Western Ghats and north-eastern India.
Habitat : hornbill found on the Indian subcontinent. It is mostly arboreal and is commonly sighted in pairs.
Diet: The Indian Grey Hornbill feeds on figs, and seals its nest with its own excreta that has fig seeds, thereby propagating the tree.
28. Indian peacock : ‘National Bird of India’
Common peafowl or peacock. In Hindi, it is called mor or mayur. It is the national bird of India and to kill it is penal crime. Sexual dimorphism present. The male bird is about the size of a vulture, very gracious, and beautifully coloured. Its ornamented gorgeous ocellated tail is about 1 or 1.5 metres long.
The gorgeous oscillated or eyed trail of cock is actually not his tail but abnormally elongated upper tail coverts. Cock has also a fan-shaped crest, brilliant metallic blue head, neck, and breast. The hen is crested like cock, but lacks the trail and is a sober mottled brown with dull metallic green on the lower neck. The hen lays 3 to 5 eggs.
Head bears eyes, nares at the base of the short bill (beak), and ear openings. The feet are adapted for scratching and running. Peacock inhabits crop fields, dense scrubs, forests having streams and rivers. Peacocks are shy and polygamous birds usually living in a party or drove of one cock and 4 to 5 hens. They feed on grain, vegetable shoots, insects, lizards, snakes, etc.
At night they roost up in lofty trees, and at early dawn, the jungle resounds with loud ugly screaming may-awe calls of the cocks. The dance of male peacock with its gorgeous tail coverts spread like a fan is very famous. The peacock dances especially on cloudy and rainy days to attract a hen. Peacock is found throughout India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.
Scientific name: Pavo cristatus
Distribution: Indian peafowl is widely distributed in the wild across South Asia and protected both culturally in many areas and by law in India.
Habitat: Indian peafowl inhabits deciduous forests, scrublands, and semi-desert grasslands.
Diet: They are omnivores, foraging through leaf litter on the ground for, fruit, berries, seeds, flowers, insects, reptiles, amphibians, and small mammals.
29. White Wagtail
The white wagtail is a slender bird, 16.5 to 19 cm (6.5 to 7.5 in) in length (East Asian subspecies are longer, measuring up to 21 cm (8.3 in)), with the characteristic long, constantly wagging tail of its genus. Its average weight is 25 g (0.88 oz) and the maximum lifespan in the wild is about 12 years.
There are a number of other subspecies, some of which may have arisen because of partial geographical isolation, such as the resident British and Irish form, the pied wagtail, which now also breeds in adjacent areas of the neighbouring European mainland. exchanges the grey colour of the nominate form with black (or very dark grey in females), but is otherwise identical in its behaviour.
The white wagtail is an insectivorous bird of the open country, often near habitation and water. It prefers bare areas for feeding, where it can see and pursue its prey. In urban areas, it has adapted to foraging on paved areas such as car parks. It nests in crevices in stone walls and similar natural and man-made structures.
Scientific name: Motacilla
Habitat: The White Wagtail frequents a wide variety of open wet and dry habitats such as seashores, upland rivers and slow-moving lowland rivers, and lakeshores. But this species is also found in cultivated areas, urban parks and gardens, and in the vicinity of towns and cities.
Distribution: They are found in India, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Pakistan, China, Bhutan,Myanmar, in some parts of Europe, and wild across South Asia.
Diet : aquatic insects and other small invertebrates form the major part of the diet. These range from beetles, dragonflies, small snails, spiders, worms, crustaceans, to maggots found in carcasses and, most importantly, flies.
Not Even just Birds…… Rodent’s too.
30. Indian Palm Squirrel’s
The Indian palm squirrel or three-striped palm squirrel is a species of rodent in the family Sciuridae found naturally in India. We all know that the squirrel is not a bird. but, in our park, there's a huge population of squirrels in our park.
A pair of Indian palm squirrels also constructed a home sweet home on our Mango tree. The 2 Offsprings survived and we were also very happy.
Scientific name: Funambulus palmarum
Other names: three-striped palm squirrel
Distribution: Found naturally in India and Sri Lanka.
Habitat: The Indian Palm Squirrel is native to the warm, humid areas of the southern Indian subcontinent. It nests at the top of the trees found there, and not just palm trees.
Diet : These squirrels eat mainly nuts and fruits. They are fairly vocal, with a cry that sounds like “chip chip chip” when danger is present.
Birds of India provides information on Indian birds and on birding in India.
These stories were life lessons during the lockdown and unlock days and these Pandemic Days.
One should pray that their eggs (of birds) do not eat any other predator (crow, cats, and Dogs) and their journey in/of their nest/life should go successful.
Birds help us by eating insects and maintain the ecological balance of the environment. We should not take away the freedom of these animals and nor their babies too.
Thanks to everyone who is Birdwatching and the passionate few who are Birding.
Nature has made animals because there is a reason if the birds will continue to die. then the insects will continue to grow.
This world is very unique, God has given life to all of us, therefore it will take care of our life. As God is a true person and merciful also because Life is given by you, you are the hope, we are the only belief that you will save us from every difficulty.
May we continue this tryst with nature always….
The End…………….. Be Always Happy and Safe.