My incomplete story

Red-vented Bulbul’s Story

Aaryan Bhalla
17 min readMay 6, 2020

By Aaryan Bhalla

The studies without books is called life.
I am writing something after a long time. ✍✍ I enjoy collecting information about nature and animals. Also for several days, a Bulbul was coming to my house. So now you read a few moments every day like a diary.👇👇👇
The feeling of something new or the desire to think is called - Inspiration.🙏
There is a teacher in my school of science who inspired me to write the story of bulbul. I want to thank her so much. My teacher's name is - Nisha Gupta.

My teacher @Nisha Rajesh Vashisht Gupta

She told me that keeping all the pictures save of what Bulbul did, also inspired me to write this story and if she had not done so, it would not have come to my mind.

So, a pair of two bulbuls decided to make their nest on the curry leaf tree in our verandah. Read about my eagerness and feelings. The story also has exciting moments, moments of happiness, and sad moments. This story is about the flight of a new life. So, let’s see how the journey begins of this bird in my curry leaf tree?..
Nisha Maam inspired me to write the story. But, to start the story I needed a good picture for the introduction, which I did not get, then I remembered one of my Mama’s Respected sir, Dr. Pallab Ray, he also enjoyed taking pictures of birds, then I remembered this picture of him clicked by him of a red vented bulbul. So, I put it as you can see in the picture below.

Red-vented bulbul photograph clicked by Dr. Pallab Ray

Nowadays the whole world has been affected by the coronavirus epidemic, and many countries have decided to lock down their nation.😕 Hence, India has also been locked down till the 3rd of May, everyone is bored sitting at home. But I have a partner who has definitely been found to see. Read the full story. They are my friends. A sweet little bulbul 🐦 (Red-vented bulbul) But what I knew was that it came to my home to settle her own house. I am very happy and lucky that this bird will make its nest at my house.😇😇
Do you know?..
Bulbul builds her nest in an old locker or meter box in the houses, then she decides to make its nest.🏕🏕

• 19 April 2020
Sunday, 1:02 pm

It was a sunny Sunday, and when I was watering the plants in my verandah, I saw a lovely red vented bulbul sitting on our curry leaves tree. but due to leaves, I could not see it because of fear She flew away, then I felt very bad and I quickly took a picture of her. I thought that the bird will definitely come back, so I put a pot of water there in the hope... Then with the help of my mother we both gave it a cute name, we named it Elisa which means great joy in English We gave it this name because it gave us great pleasure in this epidemic.😊😊
Do you know?...
Elisa means great happiness and it also means positivity.

• 20 April 2020
Monday, 3:27

Beautiful red-vented bulbul male showing its red vent.

It was evening time. Suddenly! I heard the sound of a bulbul. I was going slowly 🤫🤫. As soon as I looked, that bird was the same red vented bulbul. She quickly sat on the wire due to afraid of me and jumped from the curry leaf tree. I thought she would come back. But she flew away. I sat with the hope that she would definitely come again but she did not come😔 . I quickly clicked a photo of her.😉😉
Do you know?..
Bulbul has a style of hair of its own, It has a brown tail and a red mark under a brown tail that makes it known as bulbul.

• 21 April 2020
Tuesday, 12:55 pm

She was making the nest

Today I saw a nest in the curry leaf tree. I was surprised to see😮 that and I felt lucky because Bulbul was coming again and again because now she decided to build its house on our curry leaf tree. She used some small twigs and some cotton to build the nest but still needed some improvement. What should I do next? Waited for that moment to come and it did not justify my expectation.

The thirsty Bulbul

She also followed my expectations. She ate some grains and drank water. Then after a whole day's rush, she might decide to go home because she repeatedly brings one twig each hardly from a place. Then joins her in her nest and goes back to get a new twig or a little piece of branch.
Do you know?..
Bulbul makes its nest in the shape of a cup.

• 22 April 2020
Wednesday, 9:32 am

As soon as I woke up, I saw her singing. Elisa will be thinking about improving her nest by sitting on a branch (as can be seen in the image). Today I also saw that there were two bulbuls. One of them was sitting on the cloth wire, who might be guarding. Perhaps another was engaged in making the nest. The other may be the father, but there is strength in unity. Because they both were doing too much hard work, one alone will be tired and bear the burden so both are helping each other. Bulbul is a bird that can only make its nest in peace. And I am very happy and anxious that when they finish the nest, they will lay eggs in it and two small bulbul babies will come out of it. But don't think about going too far.
Do you know?..
Bulbul lays only one egg in one day. However, its eggs can be grouped with two or three eggs.

• 23 April 2020
Thursday, 11:50

Late-night I started collecting information about Bulbul’s nest and eggs. I learned a lot from the internet. Bulbul builds its nest only in the summer between June and September. 🥵 It also lays two to three eggs in its nest on a tree 2 to 3 meters tall tree. Nature is also so good that he has given these birds such a good ability to make a nest and also make their chicks able to fly in the sky. You should also plant trees so that any bird tries to make a nest in your house so plant trees and save the earth...
Uncle and Aunty work very hard for their children. Uncle means Father Bulbul and Aunt means Mother Bulbul. They both gathered twigs together and are now making a cup-shaped nest. Earlier they used to come very little in the daytime. They've only come three to four times, but now they've come six to seven times and it will take 11 more days to build a nest, according to the internet. Elisa might order Uncle that - "Come on - let’s not rest right now. We need to further build a nest! .."
But my uncle would say to my aunt - "Take a little rest, not too much work."
And there might be a quarrel between them as well because fantasies and feelings are in animals.😍😍

when she came in the evening, I thought I would take 2 or 4 pictures of it. But, what I knew was that she would be scared to take pictures of her by me. In fear, she sat on a wire. ( As you can see in the photo above ) So now I decided that - now I will not go back to the curry leaf tree again and again because if it got scared and left the nest due to doubt then it would be very bad. Hence, The bulbul has benefited a lot from me since I have reduced my computer and mobile viewing very much due to watching the activities of bulbul. But, due to eagerness, I want to see Bulbul again and again. I think - would she have finished the nest because she comes every 15 minutes...
Do you know?..
Bulbul is a bird that is also known for its melodious voice. Along with that, it sings more songs at night than in the daytime.

• 24 April 2020
Friday, 6:43

As soon as the sun decided to get up, both the parents came to complete the nest. After listening to the sound of a bulbul, I woke up till about 6 o'clock - what did they do today? Now they have made their nest very good just like a soft bed with cotton. Earlier I was still able to see them from the window, but now the nest has become so big that it becomes very difficult to see them. So I watch them from the door of the kitchen. This is the way of nature and today both of them tired working so hard, both sat with each other for few moments. (as you can see in the picture given above). Elisa must have said to Uncle that - "Come on, you are insisting so much, so talk for a few moments comfortably." Now instead of collecting the twigs, Bulbul sits in the nest to check the size to see if their chicks will fit or not. The two will not take the name of the rest until they give their children a new life, they both have to remember that by tying the knot - in their mind until the work is complete, we both will not take rest.
Do you know? ..
Birds also have husbands and wives also have relationships.

• 25 April 2020
Saturday, 12:30 p.m

Partially completed nest

When I thought that Bulbul was afraid of me then. I stopped going near the curry leaf tree. But when I got time, I went back to the verandah and I saw the nest ( as you see in this picture above ) Now the nest has become very big and beautiful, that's the talent of birds. But there are no twigs at all under it so that when they will lay eggs, the eggs will fall. The bulbul uses its saliva to join the twigs with each other. The bulbul might take some more time to complete the nest.
Now, I need to control myself because the fruit of patience is very sweet in taste.

• 26 April 2020
Sunday, 7:00 am

Today it has been a week since Bulbul came because it came last Sunday.😮😮 Today there were very slow rains with very strong winds☔☔ but nothing happened to its nest. According to the internet, maybe one more week to complete its nest because it takes 14 days to build a nest. But, that’s good that Male and female helped each other in the tough times.👏

• 28 April 2020
Tuesday, 4:17 pm

Today I did not understand what I saw myself 🤔 because today both bulbul Uncle - aunt did not come after 1 p.m., so I felt that it did may happen due to my experiment, As I was eating Crax comfortably this afternoon, then a toy came out of it, but I did not like it, and that toy was a small plastic ball, so I thought why should an experiment with it be done as the cuckoo does with the crows, it puts its eggs in the crow's nest, then I put that ball in the bulbul nest. so, that it can be understood that it is its egg. But then I thought that if it got scared or something else happened, then I quickly removed the ball from there, since Bulbul has not returned since I have kept the ball, then maybe it does scent or smell of my hands. So, I got a little worried about whether she has left the nest ?...

• 29 April 2020
Wednesday, 5:46 pm

Papa told me in the morning that - "Son, the bird did not come ..", then I became worried because yesterday it did not come even after 1 p.m. tomorrow due to my ball experiment. Then I regretted it and I thought that I should not have done it. Due to my experiment now Bulbul is angry and she is not coming and now it did not come even in the morning also. So I got a little sad. Then I remembered Mamma as She told me that - once a bird chooses a nesting site, she makes a firm determination and builds a nest there. Then after that, my parents went to the office. But, Bulbul did not come. so, I felt that - what mistake have we made?.. that she is not coming yet, but then I thought that some big animal or bird had attacked it.
But, then about 12 o'clock in the afternoon. I heard her voice. I used to run through the kitchen door quickly, but now she does not bring any twigs in her mouth. Rather, it is sitting in the nest for about twenty-twenty minutes. So maybe it can be a sign that - she is laying eggs in the nest.

Today was amazing. Today, when I was watering the plants in the evening, as soon as I looked back, the bulbul was sitting on the wire (as you can see in the picture above). Even when I looked at the nest, When Bulbul was not sitting there and I saw something round, then I thought that Bulbul must have laid an egg, so when I took the first picture of the egg, then there was some round in photographs but, I was unable to see because the picture was not clear. Hence, Papa and mamma were also unable to see the egg in the picture. So, I decided to click a good photo and I was sure that Bulbul must have laid the egg. But I thought it would be a twig or a piece of branch.

The first egg laid in the nest

But, I doubt that neither Bulbul had given an egg, because neither did she bring the twigs today and today she was sitting in the nest for a long time. So, when Bulbul flew back. I went and I saw the nest and after seeing what I saw, I got crazy and made with my happiness Because, for the number of days that I have been waiting for, Bulbul has now given this thing today. She has given one egg to her chick. Well, it took about 14 days to lay eggs according to the internet. But, now it has laid the egg in only 10 days, then according to the internet, it will also give an egg tomorrow and now the responsibility of both these birds will increase greatly. Also, my family and I will have to keep an eye on the egg. But we will don’t go too close to that, so let’s wait for another egg now.
Do you know??..
Bulbul’s egg is light white and light pink in color (as given in the above picture) but, the egg has red and pink dots.

• 30 April 2020
Thursday, 1:04 pm

Now the bulbul sits on the eggs only, so when the bulbul sits on them, then the heat is generated in the eggs. Due to which her chicks will be getting out early. Now Bulbul is not afraid of us. She has no other option because she cannot build her new nest and she has laid her eggs too. So whenever we go near the curry leaf tree. Then, she was not afraid of us at all. Hence, she sits quietly. Now maybe she would have laid two eggs in it because according to the net she lays another egg the next day but it is no longer a photo as she does not allow anyone to click the photo of eggs. Now whenever we go to the tree of curry leaves, then both the uncles - aunts spread their wings in the air and sit on the wire (as you can see in the above photo) They both might think that - if they do anything to my eggs, then maybe the aunt will say to the uncle - "hear. Take care of the eggs below."

• 1 May 2020
Saturday, 7:55 pm

The beautiful couple

Now Bulbul does not let anyone near her nest. But, she keeps sitting and keeps looking at her eggs like a bodyguard. Today she has laid the third egg, which was seen by my father, but she does not allow them to take photos of the eggs. As soon as they are photographed, they both snap like a bullet and sit on the wire.
As they both See if anything happened to my eggs ??.. Also today it attacked Papa. She came to Papa’s mouth with her beak. But Papa survived and Papa has alerted me that - Do not go to him again and again because now she is angry and whenever I go too close to him, he might fly away and go to her husband and complain that - " hey. Hear me, the boy is not moving. Just say something.." (as you can see in the above picture) Now throughout the night, even it sleeps on her eggs.

• 2 May 2020
Saturday, 1:01 pm

Do you know? Bulbul has kept a lot of hideouts and secret places to keep an eye on its eggs. Along with guarding against these places, it is also alert all the time.
The following are the places of the bulbul:-


The first place is the TV dish in the house just opposite the curry leaf tree, it is the place from where it keeps an eye on its eggs and if I or any of my family members go back for some work. So it quickly flies and sits on the branch of the curry leaf tree.


There is a long wire in the northern direction from our curry leaf tree. Most of these two do not sit there, but after 5 p.m. they monitor the same and only in the evening from there. whenever we go to switch on the water motor. Both of them quickly sit on a wire near the curry leaves tree (as you can see in the picture below).


when we sometimes go too close to the nest, it also flies and sits on the balcony wall so that it can make noise and call her husband when something happens.


Also, the last and fourth place that I have seen with my own eyes is the wall of the house facing our curry leaves tree. The house also has a TV dish. Sometimes these two spend time talking together with each other.

The Beautiful three eggs.

This afternoon, when both bulbs were not near the nest. Then, I quickly took my phone in the nest and took a picture of these eggs. I had to work very hard to take a picture of these eggs. Now I have laid all the eggs in it. May have given it to you. But, Bulbul did not even let me take a picture of these eggs. So I took this photo today. As you can see in the picture above, these three eggs flowed. It looks so attractive. Also if Bulbul continues to sit on them, then very soon these children will go out and they will be born in this world.

Incubating eggs at night too

This is a picture of Bulbul’s tail. Its tail end is white, which is its identity. It guards its eggs even at night also. It sleeps on them all night.

• 3 May 2020
Sunday, 8:36 p.m

The scene that Bulbul, I, and my Mamma saw today, was very dangerous and intimidating. Today if Mamma and I were not near the curry leaf tree, then anything could happen with the eggs of Bulbul. When Mamma and I were behind, we went to pick up dry clothes. Then, Bulbul started making a loud noise, and then a cat was coming from the wall of our neighbor's. Before that, Mama and I shoo her away before she saw the eggs and it was good that she didn't look at the eggs. I think that she might be back. But she did not come again which was good.
Then after 8 o'clock in the night, the weather became very bad and it also had to face a lot of problems from nature. Hence, there was a robust thunderstorm in the night after that extreme rains had started. But, it did not move from its nest at all and it also saved its eggs.
This is called the mother, who kept herself wet in the rain for the whole night by protecting her children.

6 May 2020 Wednesday, 7:31 a.m

While I was sleeping comfortably in the morning, suddenly my father came to me with the picture on his phone and after seeing that picture, I was shocked and disappointed and felt very sad.

The cat destroyed the whole nest and ate the eggs.

If you look at this picture above, you will also be felt very sad because Bulbul had no eggs in the nest in this picture and an egg peel was there which was probably eaten by the cat and we lost Bulbul’s 3 kind children. Bulbul may be very disappointed. She was coming in the nest again and again and she was crying with pain and she was very pitiful and looking for his eggs all around but we also could not do anything because this is the cat’s food and also a food chain in nature.

The poor bulbul found them everywhere.

Bulbul came till 6 p.m. She came and in the nest, she might think that my eggs have come, but what does that she thing know? They will never come and today I remember a very old song of Manna dey, that is, ‘Zindagi kaisi hai paheli hay Kabhi yeh Hassay Kabhi yeh rulaay’ of Rajesh Khanna’s film Anand. Now, Bulbul’s eggs are gone, but Bulbul gave us a lesson to keep working hard and she makes her nest in just two weeks and We humans cannot make it even after 3 weeks. This story of mine remained unfinished, so I gave the title of this story my incomplete story which was displayed on my curry leaves tree.

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Stay tuned for more updates..


Disclaimer: It is advised not to take photos or videos of bird nests from such close quarters. It disturbs and agitated the parents and also exposes the nest to predators. Usually, nesting photos are taken by birders with 300mm onward telephoto lenses while standing far away from the nests. Please stay safe and keep them safe too.

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The incomplete story of bulbul by Aaryan Bhalla…….😶



Aaryan Bhalla
Aaryan Bhalla

Written by Aaryan Bhalla

Nature and birds Lover, Traveller, & musician..☺️☺️

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